You HAVE got to hear this…

Justin Archer
Published in
4 min readJul 1, 2014


OMG! Alright, just the fact that a grown man typed out O-M-G should hint towards just how EXCITED I am about today’s episode. Truth be told though, I’m a little nervous for you to HEAR my first ever audio post/blog. Say what?! You read right, today’s episode will be delivered in 100% audio goodness. And if that wasn’t reason enough to celebrate, I’m going to be dropping some big ole AWESOME BOMBS of news, updates, and soon to be released features, all of which are designed to benefit YOU! So sit down and crank up the volume or grab your favorite set of headphones and MP3 player, because we are going to get this party started…

Show Notes, Links, and Resources from this Episode…

- There are so many exciting changes coming up on that will evolutionize (and eventually revolutionize) how you approach and practice self-care
- One of which is this AWESOME NEW AUDIO FORMAT! Huh huh, what do you think?
- Would you be interested in coming on the show with me (via Skype/Hangout) as a guest to hangout and/or for an interview? If so, call or email me and we’ll make it happen.
- The Optimized Self Workshop/Course — The Quintessential Guide To Taking Caring Of Yourself (this is where it’s at)
- COMING SOON!…4 NEW ROUTINES available to VIP Posture Peeps (those who are signed up to receive the newsletter)

  • Plantar Fasciitis
  • Sciatica
  • Frozen Shoulder
  • Scoliosis

- In other news…the ONLINE THERAPY service will be phased out and the SKYPE THERAPY will be changing from it’s current one-on-one therapy packaged sessions business model to a retainer-based business model. So if you’re interested in either as it exists now, then you can sign up and get started through the links below:

Online Therapy:
Skype Therapy:

*Both of these come with complimentary access to the Optimized Self Workshop/Course (THIS IS HUGE!)

Speaking of which, if you have 2+ hours to spare on watching something that can potentially change your life forever and will soon be sold for $75 on it’s own, then you definitely need to check this out…

Optimized Self Workshop/Course: Click HERE to watch the REPLAY of the Optimized Self Introduction Hangout

And if you would like to invest in yourself and join you can do so through this link: (Just know that the current price is $125, which is an A-MAZING DEAL when you consider that it will be a $300 Annually Paid Membership when it transfers from Workshop to Course!)

Switching gears…

Ever wish you had a Posture Guy “Guardian Angel” of your own, looking over your shoulder to help you optimize your health, fitness, wellness, and overall life so that you can enjoy leading a pain free and active life without limitations? Then stay tuned for more on the Optimized Self LIVE IN Program!

And last but certainly not least, make sure to check me out and follow me on SoundCloud (there’s a lot of other good stuff on there too):

SoundCloud App for iOS:
SoundCloud App for Android:
Follow The Posture Guy on SoundCloud at:

I look forward to putting out more audio posts, as well as other content in new and exciting formats like this for you, but as I’m sure you’re already well aware, all this infotainment does add up and costs a pretty penny to produce. So if there is anything you can give to donate towards the show and support your fellow Posture Guys and Gals, I know I speak for all of us when I say “THANK YOU”

Donate Page:

Anyway, I hope you are as PSYCHED as I am about all the upcoming changes. I look forward to hearing from you, growing our family, and working together to positively influence and change the world. CHEERS!

Take care and be a good human,

Justin Archer formerly known as “The Posture Guy”, now co-host of
The Optimized Self Dojo: Where people go to practice Mixed Mental Arts and Lifestyle Design Strategy to elevate their physical, mental and emotional well-being so they can see, be, do, have and give better.
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“I learn, think, ask, listen, discuss and do A LOT. Therefore I am.
And I define myself by how I choose to serve others.” — Me; WE>me
Why, How and What I Do:

P.S. If you enjoy and have learned a lot from this content, but still feel you need more of a customized approach to help with your particular pain, posture, and/or performance issues that you’re currently struggling with then make sure to check out both the 1-On-1 Individual Sessions and Mentoring Programs that I offer. This way we can work together to reach your goals as effectively and efficiently as possible.



I instigate and facilitate change, growth and development in people. I do my best to be useful and am known by the problems I solve. How may I help you?