Going Back To The Beginning

Justin Archer
Published in
3 min readMay 19, 2014


I cannot believe that it’s been over a YEAR now that ThePostureGuy.com opened up shop. Man, a lot sure has happened since then. For one, the Posture Peeps family has grown from my Mom and the cat (love you both) to thousands of Posture Guys and Gals spread across the world (I got to meet one from Lithuania in Poland last week in person!). And together I truly believe we have made, and will continue to make a real change in the world. So yay for us! But the best is still to come. And today we’re going to take the first step of an eight month journey in creating The Optimized Self Course by going back to the beginning, (re)defining your “WHY”, and setting the stage for the upcoming Optimized Self Introduction Hangout in which you’ll learn why and how important each of the foundations of health are and how they contribute to you being able to live a pain free and active life without limitations. Let’s get started!

And don’t forget to sign up below to register for this month’s hangout and stay up to date on all the upcoming “Optimized Self” Hangout news, course updates, and deals. This month we’re going to be:

- Setting the stage for the Optimized Self Course (what you can expect leading up to launch day)
- Going over why optimizing each foundation of your health is so important
- Discussing how each of the foundations of your health synergistically help or hinder your overall wellbeing
- Establishing what your driving reason/cause, aka, Your “WHY” is that will keep you consistent in your efforts to be healthy (this is HUGE!!!)
- Doing some Live Q&A (you can’t have a Live Hangout without some good old Q&A, now can you?)
- Giving away some deals, discounts, and/or prizes…just cause it’s fun ;)
- …and much much more!

So you’re definitely going to want to be there!

In the mean time, make sure to check out the video below titled, Why Your “WHY” Is So Important. And do so now because this video will only be available to view for a limited time and will self destruct in five days. So click PLAY now!

Oops, sorry! This video has self destructed. But if you would like to still see it (and believe me you do), all you have to do is sign up in the upper right hand corner of this page to become a VIP Posture Peeps Family Member. In addition to the, Why Your “WHY” Is So Important video, you’ll also gain access to a series of exercise routines, complete with video tutorials, designed to relieve 16 of the most common chronic pain symptoms. See you inside! :-)

Last but not least, don’t forget to answer the following question in the comment section below:

What do you think/feel is the biggest component of you being consistent, accountable, and making a permanent lifestyle change?

Take care and be a good human,

Justin Archer formerly known as “The Posture Guy”, now co-host of
The Optimized Self Dojo: Where people go to practice Mixed Mental Arts and Lifestyle Design Strategy to elevate their physical, mental and emotional well-being so they can see, be, do, have and give better.
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“I learn, think, ask, listen, discuss and do A LOT. Therefore I am.
And I define myself by how I choose to serve others.” — Me; WE>me
Why, How and What I Do: http://justinarcher.me

P.S. If you enjoy and have learned a lot from this content, but still feel you need more of a customized approach to help with your particular pain, posture, and/or performance issues that you’re currently struggling with then make sure to check out both the 1-On-1 Individual Sessions and Mentoring Programs that I offer. This way we can work together to reach your goals as effectively and efficiently as possible.



I instigate and facilitate change, growth and development in people. I do my best to be useful and am known by the problems I solve. How may I help you?